Yacht Club Opening Day, Boat Blessing Ceremony next week

The Canyon Lake Yacht Club is set to welcome the community and boating enthusiasts to its annual Opening Day and Blessing of the Boats ceremony scheduled for April 6 at 2:00 p.m. The event heralds the beginning of the 2024 boating season, continuing a long-standing tradition celebrated in yachting communities around the globe.

The day’s festivities will begin with a flag ceremony, followed by a rendition of the national anthem performed by Aprile McKinnon. Opening remarks will precede the traditional blessing of the boats, a ritual meant to ensure a safe and bountiful season for all boaters. Attendees are encouraged to decorate their boats with American flags and participate in the collective spirit of the day.

The ceremony will culminate in a cannon blast, signifying the official start of the boating season in Canyon Lake. This act is symbolic of the community’s enthusiasm and readiness for the months of aquatic adventures that lie ahead.

Among the distinguished guests expected to attend are Canyon Lake Mayor Dale Welty, Pastor Thor Ramsey, members of the Shoreline Yacht Club, City Councilmembers, Canyon Lake POA board members, and various Canyon Lake POA staff.

The Canyon Lake Yacht Club looks forward to hosting both members and guests for what promises to be a memorable kickoff to the boating season. This event is not just a celebration of the start of boating activities, but also an opportunity to embrace the maritime spirit and camaraderie that make Canyon Lake a special place.


