Darcy Burke reappointed to EPA’s Local Government Advisory Committee

Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District Director Darcy Burke of Canyon Lake has been reappointed to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Local Government Advisory Committee (LGAC). Serving on the EVMWD Board of Directors since 2018, Darcy will continue her role on the LGAC for a new term from December 2023 to January 2026.

The LGAC, established in 1993, is instrumental in advising the EPA on a wide range of environmental policies and programs. Darcy’s reappointment is a testament to her extensive experience and advocacy for responsible water management and environmental stewardship.

EVMWD Director Darcy M. Burke, a Canyon Lake resident, was reappointed to US US Environmental Protection Agency’s Local Government Advisory Committee. Photo provided by EVMWD

“I am honored to be reappointed to the LGAC,” Darcy said. “Working with local leaders nationwide has led to policies that protect public health, the environment, and community well-being. I’m eager to continue this vital work.”

Greg Thomas, EVMWD’s General Manager, commended Darcy’s dedication.

“Darcy Burke’s dedication and contributions to the LGAC highlights her steadfast commitment to providing a world of experience and expertise across multiple spectrums and prioritizing the needs of our local communities on this crucial advisory committee,” he said. “She is a voice of reason to help the committee make sound recommendations to the EPA and safeguarding public health”

Darcy, one of two LGAC members from California, contributes to the committee’s female majority, a historic first for the LGAC. Her selection from over 60 qualified candidates reflects the committee’s commitment to diverse representation.

In addition to her role at EVMWD, Darcy’s career spans several key positions in the water sector. She was the Director of Public Affairs for the Municipal Water District of Orange County and the former Executive Director for The Center for Water Education. She also held roles with the California Nevada Section, American Water Works Association, and the California Department of Public Health Services Title 22 Technical Advisory Committee.

Darcy holds a bachelor’s degree in international business and marketing from Mount St. Mary’s University, Los Angeles, and an MBA with an emphasis in organizational leadership.


