CL 9/11 monument unveiling next weekend

The Canyon Lake Veterans and First Responders Group will unveil its 9/11 Memorial Monument on May 28 at Station 1 at the Canyon Lake Fire Department on Vacation Drive.

The dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony will take place at 9:00 a.m. The monument is one of the many things that the club has accomplished in its two years of existence.

“All of the donations came from Canyon Lake community members,” Tim Cook, the group’s vice president, said.

The monument was custom built by Mike Rosenzweig, a local contractor in Canyon Lake, and his team with Magnum Off-road. The memorial was made from 100 percent stainless steel and will hold up to the elements.

“Mike and I were talking about how wonderful it is to have been a part of making this happen with our community, and how giving our community is,” Tim said. “How special it is that we have a piece of the towers right here, at our fire station, to allow us to never forget 9/11. A special thanks goes out to Art Femester for being a big part of that. Our hopes are that the community can take time to stop by and see the unveiling.”


