City Turkey Drive set for City Hall Thursday

The Annual City of Canyon Lake Turkey Drive will be collecting frozen turkeys and other food items on Thursday at City Hall in the Canyon Lake Town Center.

The food items this year will go to Helping Our People in Elsinore (H.O.P.E.), a non-profit food bank that also serves residents of Canyon Lake.

Every year, the city hosts a turkey drive to help provide food for those in need. This year, the city will be accepting more than just frozen turkeys. The city is asking its residents to bring their food donations to City Hall in the Canyon Lake Town Center from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The items needed include: frozen turkeys, whole frozen chickens, stuffing and gravy mix, canned mushroom soup, canned green beans, canned yams, brown sugar, miniature marshmallows, corn bread mix, hot chocolate and coffee, cake and cookie mix and other non-perishable items.


