FF Reporter: “Why I do it. The honest truth.”

In case you’re wondering what the honest truth is about it, I must first tell you what it is. Writing is it. I write because it‘s where my path led me in life.

Since I was a young girl, I’ve loved writing in my journal. I would write about my thoughts, what I dreamt about in my sleep, places I wanted to visit and who was on my mind.

When a writing assignment would be given in school, I was first in my class to finish. I think writing assignments were so easy for me because words just flowed so easily from my thoughts to the pen and across the paper.

Since I was little, I dreamed of having a home with my very own library, one like Belle had in Beauty and the Beast. I used to imagine laying on the floor, staring up at the many books on my library shelf, having one stand out from the rest: my book, the one I would write someday.

I used to imagine going into the school library and seeing my book on the shelf. As I got older and began visiting book stores, like Barnes and Noble, I would imagine walking into that store and seeing my book on display.

I’ve always loved to hold books in my hand while I read other people’s stories. I could imagine them sitting at their desks using their imagination writing these magnificent stories. Reading helped nourish my desire to write.

I’ve always been drawn to writing, but I lost that dream for a long time. Until John came into my life.

A glimpse at a few of my journals. Photo by Dawn Rankins

When we first started going together, I would write him little notes and make him cards. One day, John came and sat by me on the couch while I was reading and he asked me, “Why don’t you write a blog, a book or something?”

Perplexed, I looked at him and asked him where in the world he came up with that question. He took the book from my hands, and as he held my hand within his, he said, “Because you are a writer.”

John and I sat and talked for what seemed like hours that day, and because he knows me so well he was able to get me to open up to him and he helped me remember my days of being young and keeping journals.

John showed me many blogs that day and I loved seeing the variety of writings. I became obsessed with how a blog worked and the next day, John had me set up with writing my own blog.

When I first started blogging, I poured my heart out, telling the story of my life and how my journey led to me finally putting pen to paper. The more I wrote, the more I would see my blog becoming popular with people I didn’t even know. My blog to date is in 80+ countries. I’ve since started another blog and it’s in 12 countries.

When I moved to the lake, I wasn’t looking for work, I was just thankful to be here. But John saw an ad for a reporter for The Friday Flyer. He told me I should apply.

I chuckled and told him “I know nothing about reporting and what in the world is a Friday Flyer?” He showed me the ad, which required a sample of my writing ability. I figured, what the heck, it would be good practice for applying for a job, since it had been a long while since I had applied for one.

Chuck Golding reached out the very next day after my submission and offered me an interview. I was shocked, but happily accepted. I then had a long sit down with John, telling him, I thought I made a huge mistake applying for this job.

After our long conversation, John helped me see that, even though I had no experience in reporting, this would be an amazing opportunity should I be hired, to learn a new technique of writing. I always wrote in first person, however, reporting requires writing in third person and you can’t give your opinions. I’m sure Chuck will tell you, this is my biggest weakness and obstacle, but I’m willing to keep plugging along as long as The Friday Flyer will have me and, of course, as long as the community is OK with me writing for them.

When I began my reporting journey, I thought it was going to be just a learning experience and while that is certainly the case, it’s become more than that. I have come to know some of the most amazing people here in Canyon Lake.

I find so much joy and happiness in being at events and seeing this amazing community supporting each other and having fun. I love seeing families on golf carts and kids riding their bikes. The one thing that I am most thankful for are those in the community who have reached out and allowed me to tell their personal stories in the paper. Those stories are my most treasured writings.

I feel honored to have your trust. To know you put that much faith in me and my ability to tell your stories. That’s why I do what I do.

I write for The Friday Flyer because I’m learning a new way of writing, and the added bonus is, meeting so many wonderful people and being trusted with your personal stories.

Thank you Canyon Lake. And now you know why I do it.


