Spooktacular House Contest winners picked

The 2021 Halloween Town results for the Canyon Lake Spooktacular House Contest are in. First place winners received $350.00, 2nd place winners received $100.00 and 3rd place winners received $50.00.

Best for Youngsters category, 1st place, 30051 Skippers Way, 2nd place, 28882 Yosemite and 3rd place, 23935 Canyon Lake Drive North.

Best Themed House category, 1st place, 22792 Blue Teal, 2nd place, 29805 Santa Maria and 3rd place, 30013 Happy Hunter.

Scariest House, 1st place, 30490 Sparkle, 2nd place, 21960 San Joaquin Dr. and 3rd place, 9749 Sloop.

The judges were Kellie Welty, Shawna Bowen, Karen Bevons, Fran Tibbet, Jeannie Hooniran and Brandi Nakakihara. They visited each home that was entered in the contest to complete their judging.


