Sierra Park North project continues to reduce costs

When the huge Sierra Park North project went to bid earlier this year, the Canyon Lake Property Owners Association had in its pocket a budget approved by POA members of $2.2 million, including a 10% contingency. The bids, though, came back higher. The consequential task was for Canyon Lake POA management and the winning bid contractor to find ways to reduce costs to bring the overall price of the project within the mandated budget.

The quest continues to be successful.

This week, Canyon Lake POA management and staff continued working with their soils engineer, EVMWD, the contractor and the civil engineer on the project to develop and implement several important modifications to the site and grading plan that will result in lower costs.

With on-site consultation with all of those participants evaluated, decisions have been made that will change some original aspects of the project.

The site elevation will be lowered, which will completely eliminate the upper Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) retaining wall and the square footage of the lower MSE retaining walls. These modifications will also either eliminate the need for or relocate several very expensive underground drainage elements to further reduce construction costs. The need for the budgeted 10% contingency ($200,000) for unforeseen conditions continues to be greatly reduced, the POA said.

Reengineering aspects of the retaining walls of the new Sierra Park North has resulted in construction savings. Fewer walls are needed and expensive drains are being eliminated or moved to save substantial amounts of money. Photos provided by Canyon Lake Property Owners Association.

“We therefore continue to improve our budget position and reduce costs so that we can construct the project within the $2.2 million dollars approved by the members,” the POA said in a message to its members. “These Mechanically Stabilized Earth walls will allow us to transform a formerly unusable piece of land into a very functional park that our members will enjoy for decades.”

The new Sierra Park North, located off of Vacation Drive opposite the existing Sierra Park, is converting undeveloped space into a recreational destination for residents, pedestrians, bicyclists, youth and others throughout the community.

The construction enhancements to this area include a new bicycle pump track, a shaded children’s playground area, shaded picnic areas with picnic tables and barbecues, and loop trails with fitness stations. The new family park amenity will meet current Americans with Disability Act standards and include ample parking spaces, sidewalks and restrooms.


