CL Library sets up booth at Farmer’s Market

Canyon Lake Library personnel and volunteers took their show on the road Sunday at the Canyon Lake Farmers Market held just across the parking lot from their front door.

The library set up a booth at the Farmers Market to assist those attending in signing up for library cards. In addition to handing out 25 new library cards, the library leaders were able to answer questions of those at the market.

Library cards can be obtained, of course, at the library during regular hours, but the booth will be back on Sunday again to give out more cards to those who need them. Those who sign up will receive a free bookmark and information regarding Banned Books week, which is Sept. 27 through Oct. 2.

The booth was worked by Canyon Lake Branch Manager Amanda McLaughlin, Library Assistant Allison Velasquez and library volunteer Kathryn Wood.

Canyon Lake Library Branch Manager Amanda McLaughlin works at a booth set up Sunday to offer those at the Farmer’s Market library cards. In addition to giving out the cards, Amanda answered questions of those at the market. Photo by Dawn Rankins.

Banned Book week will be celebrated by the library with trivia, book displays and unique bookmarks. This is a celebration of the freedom to read controversial materials and is designed to raise awareness about censorship.

The Adult Book Club will have its first meeting at the new location on Monday at 4:00 p.m. in the Meeting Room. The group will be discussing “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” by Foer. Newcomers are always welcome to the Adult Book Club, Amanda said.

The library’s upcoming Halloween event with partner Mentoring Tiny Humans will include a Bubble Bash, ideal for the little ones, ages 3-9. The event will take place in the branch Meeting Room on Oct. 30, at 11:00 a.m and all party goers are encouraged to come dressed in their costumes.

Kids will be able to dance in the bubbles to spooky, but age-appropriate, music. They will learn about Halloween safety, receive candy and maybe even win a prize.

The new Canyon Lake Library is located in the Canyon Lake Town Center’s southwest corner.


