Letter: Dangerous Walkway

Editor, The Friday Flyer:

In reading last week The Friday Flyer article on the Board meeting, I read the list of projects they are considering. I would like to add another one.

I have lived in Canyon Lake for 17 years. I recently downsized from a waterfront home. I rented a slip at the Lodge for $1000.00 a year. I am shocked at the pathway from the parking lot to the slips

First you have to step up a curb, go across a downhill lawn, then to six steps in the middle of the hill. Don’t ask me? You then go down a broken, slanted, asphalt, S-shaped walkway to the slips.

In my opinion it is an accident waiting to happen, lawsuit to follow. There is no way a handicapped or injured person could get to the slips. Maybe A.D.A

I would like to ask the Board to go down and take a look.

Richard Del Nostro


