Letter: A Huge Thank You!

Editor, The Friday Flyer:

I want to say a huge thank you to the Canyon Lake Car Show and Street Carts of Canyon Lake for their donations towards my hands. Thank you to everyone who has bought raffle tickets (good luck!) at Fiesta Day, JDI Dance Company Recital and Taco Tuesday, and to those who donated the amazing raffle prizes!

Thank you Michelle Taylor and Ron and Sharon Almada for all of their hustle and hard work. Thank you to the Canyon Lake Property Owners Association and Samantha Bell, as well as Mike Shroyer from Good Time Entertainment. And, lastly, to those helping out on the meal train.

I’m at loss of words to describe how much this means to me. “Thank you” simply doesn’t seem like enough. I’m incredibly blessed that God guided us to move into this amazing community a few years ago! I hope I didn’t leave anyone out! You guys are all so special to our family!

Amy Martinez


