Tennis Club Valentine Tourney winners

The Tennis Club congratulates the winners of the Valentine’s Doubles Mixer held February 7. They were Mary Ellen Smith, Charlie Jenkins, Marilyn Stovall, Darren Stovall, Peggy Basubas, Joe Cruz and Jenny Elliot.
The club’s next tournament is the St. Patrick’s Day Team Mixer on Saturday, March 14, at 8 a.m. Players are encouraged to wear their lucky green. The fee to participate in the tournament is $10 per member, and the deadline to sign up is Wednesday, September 17. Contact Kathy Clark at 760 413-7817 to sign up.
The Tennis Club invites residents to come out for Social Play on Mondays and Fridays at 9 a.m. It is open to all levels of players and is a way to meet other players without committing to a schedule. For more information, contact Dave Harrigan at 746-3460 or


