Tina Inkrote Yacht Club’s Member of the Month honoree

The Canyon Lake Yacht Club has awarded Tina Inkrote the honor of being the first Member of the Month, recognizing her significant contributions to the club.

Tina Inkrote

Along with her business partner, Dawn Varga, Tina was instrumental in launching the club’s new website, CLYCCA.org, a project that they completed in just over a month. This website is expected to serve as the central hub for all club activities, information, and plans for the foreseeable future.

Tina’s expertise and vision were pivotal in overcoming challenges behind the scenes, ensuring a seamless experience for club members throughout the year. The Yacht Club’s board members unanimously acknowledged Tina and Dawn’s leadership, decision-making, teamwork, and experience, qualities that embody the spirit of a skilled sailor or deckhand.

As a gesture of appreciation, the club treated Tina and Dawn to dinner and drinks at the Lighthouse Restaurant & Bar, an event attended by Commodore Rob Mora and Purser Lynette Rodriguez.

The club hopes that members will frequently visit the new website to stay informed about upcoming events and opportunities to contribute to the club’s success.


