JWC invites all to pickleball tournament fundraiser

The Canyon Lake Jr. Women‘s Club is inviting the community to participate in a pickleball tournament fundraiser on Feb. 25 at 1:00 p.m. Proceeds from the tournament will go toward combating child trafficking.

The tournament is set to welcome players of all skill levels, categorizing them into beginner and intermediate/advanced divisions for a Round-Robin Poker format competition.

Participants are encouraged to check in by 12:30 p.m., as the games are scheduled to commence at 1:00 p.m.

In addition to fostering competitive spirit and camaraderie, the event will also feature raffle tickets and prizes for the Best Poker Hand in each division, adding an extra layer of excitement to the proceedings.

With an entry fee of $25.00, those interested in joining the cause and showcasing their pickleball prowess can register by Tuesday at www.eventcreate.com/e/cljwc.

All proceeds from the event are earmarked for donation to the fight against child trafficking.


