Family Matters celebrates a decade of CL service

The Canyon Lake Family Matters Club marks its 10th anniversary with a look back at a decade filled with community engagement, philanthropic efforts, and memorable events. Founded with the mission to bring families together and enrich the Canyon Lake community, the non-profit organization has made a lasting impact through its various initiatives.

The club‘s journey began with monthly meetings addressing family-oriented topics and has since expanded to larger community events. While the early meetings laid the groundwork for family education and engagement, the club has since shifted its focus towards organizing significant community gatherings such as its annual Santa Letters, Easter Carnival, Lucky Duck Derby, Halloween Carnival, and other events, all the while maintaining affordable participation fees thanks to generous donor support.

Beyond festive events, the Family Matters Club has spearheaded various contests and parades, contributing to the vibrancy of Canyon Lake. Efforts such as the Sand Castle Building Contest and the Holiday Home Decorating Contest have become eagerly anticipated annual traditions, showcasing the creativity and spirit of residents.

The club‘s commitment to community support is evident in its numerous philanthropic activities, including Senior Spaghetti Nights, beach and park cleanups, and contributions to local families in need. The establishment of Karen‘s Bench and the provision of entertainment at Taco Tuesday highlight the club‘s dedication to making a tangible difference.

Tons of games, including the pretzel eating contest, are part of its Halloween Carnival, one of the Canyon Lake Family Matters Club’s most popular events. Friday Flyer File Photo

Faced with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Family Matters Club adapted its operations to continue serving the community, from organizing computer giveaways to creatively spreading joy with Flamingo Flocking and delivering Easter eggs to hundreds of residents‘ yards. Canyon Lake graduating seniors were given their spotlight in a Family Matters Club-sponsored parade with the grads sitting in Canyon Lake’s classic cars.

Its most note-worthy, and an insanely-impossible undertaking, is its annual Letters to Santa event. Letters are received each year by the club and each letter is not only answered with a letter from Santa, but also with a gift that is delivered to each recipient’s home. A majority of the funds earned throughout the year are used to provide these gifts.

The club‘s achievements have not gone unnoticed, earning accolades such as “Organization of the Year” and first place in the Parade of Lights for Clubs. These honors reflect the club‘s unwavering commitment and the positive impact it has had on the Canyon Lake community.

As the Family Matters Club embarks on its next decade, it launches a “10k for 10 years” fundraising campaign to support its philanthropic goals. The club invites the community to contribute to ensuring the continuation of free and low-cost events that bring Canyon Lakers together.

Shawna Bowen, the founder of the Family Matters Club, expresses gratitude for a decade of community support and looks forward to fostering further connections, compassion, and collaboration in the years to come.


