Before the feast, young/old run in 5K Turkey Trot

Gault Field was a hive of activity and festivity on Thanksgiving morning, as the community came together for the fun and festive 5K Turkey Trot. The event saw participants dressed in a variety of fun costumes, including turkeys, Elvis impersonators, elves, Superman, and other fun holiday-related outfits.

The event kicked off at 9:00 a.m. with a group photo, setting the stage for the spirited race. Runners and walkers embarked on the course, traveling down Hoofbeat to Big Range, then onto Longhorn to Strawberry Lane and back, creating a vibrant and lively scene.

In the spirit of giving, participants brought canned food donations to support Canyon Lake’s Helping Hands, demonstrating the community’s commitment to charity and goodwill.

The adult race saw Phil Dampier and Michelle Morgan emerge as winners, each rewarded with a pumpkin pie for their triumph. The children’s race followed, with 10-year-old William Paul and his 8-year-old sister Summer Paul winning treat bags.

The bright blue event t-shirts, both from this year and previous races, were a common sight among the participants, adding to the colorful ambiance of the event.

The Turkey Trot was sponsored by the Canyon Lake Triathlon and Fitness Club. The club expressed gratitude to all participants and donors, as well as to the board members and the Kivrizis family, whose volunteer efforts were crucial in making the event a success.

Looking ahead, the Canyon Lake Triathlon and Fitness Club is set to conclude the year with a holiday party on Dec. 10 and a Santa Ride on Dec. 17.


