Buckle up…Holiday events lined up for plenty of family fun

The holiday season has kind of crept up on Canyon Lake families, but the town’s clubs, organizations, city officials and Canyon Lake POA leaders have everybody covered. Once the turkey is consumed and Thanksgiving tables cleared, there are significant holiday events on the Canyon Lake calendars.

The two biggest events of the holiday season take place on consecutive weekends. First, on Nov. 26, the Canyon Lake POA lights its massive tree in front of the Canyon Lake Lodge amid rock walls, slides, food trucks and falling snow. Hundreds attend this annual event.

Then, a week later on Dec. 2, the City of Canyon Lake transforms the Canyon Lake Town Center parking lot into a Winter Wonderland, complete with its own piles of snow, games and train rides. With the heavy hitters out of the way, Canyon Lake’s clubs jump into action. Most have some sort of celebration, but the biggies include invitations to the rest of the community to join them.

First up is the Canyon Lake Woman’s Club and its annual Holiday Home Tour on Dec. 2 where some of the most incredibly-decorated homes in the community are opened up for paying customers to oogle.

The following day, Canyon Lakers line up along Canyon Lake Drive to watch a uniquely Canyon Lake parade. This one is filled with golf carts decked out as holiday floats. Incredibly-decorated carts line up and parade through town with Christmas lights dangling from all parts of the carts.

As only Canyon Lake can do, the 41st Annual Canyon Lake Parade of Lights takes to the lake on Dec. 9. This treasured tradition has Canyon Lakers transforming their boats into colorfully-creative lit-up floating creations. Canyon Lakers line up with their hundreds and hundreds of invited guests along the shores and in the yards of lakefront homes to view the spectacle.

The Canyon Lake Choraleers will undoubtedly sell out its Canyon Lake Lodge venue on Dec. 10 as it performs holiday movie songs at its annual holiday concert.

There are more, too. Buckle up.


