Canyon Lake Yacht Club signs up 42 members at Car Show

The Canyon Lake Car Show was a hit for the Canyon Lake Yacht Club as the club signed up 42 new members, a new one-day record for the club. This follows on the heels of the month of September when the fast-growing club hit a monthly record of 60 new members.

The Yacht Club now has 360 members, a 600% increase over last year.

“This event resonated with Canyon Lakers for many reasons – beautiful cars, food, and a festive environment,” Yacht Club Commodore Ron Wilbur said. “And what we offered was a unique opportunity to be part one of the most fun and dynamic clubs in our community.”

Those who joined the club at the show received a 15-month membership in the club plus a free gift from the “wheel of fortune” in the Yacht Club booth. New members then got a free spin of the wheel, with prizes that included gift cards to the Canyon Lake Lodge and Country Club, charcuterie cruises on Yacht Club boats, private cruises with the Commodore or Vice Commodore, private lessons on driving a boat, and family boat tours of the best waterfront holiday displays the week before Christmas.

“We had so much fun at the Car Show,” Vice Commodore Rob Mora said. “One of our members, Anita Barbaria, joined us to help at the show and she was literally the catalyst for our great membership day. She’s now our Welcome Team Leader.”

The remainder of the year consists of more great Yacht Club events and activities, including the annual holiday-lighted boat parade, the Parade of Lights, produced for the community by the Yacht Club since 1990 and now the oldest boat parade in the Inland Empire.


