Yacht Club continues to raise Maui Relief funds

The Canyon Lake Yacht Club raised its EZ-Up with photos of Lahaina kids, wildfire relief flyers and membership applications at HarborFest and will repeat its presence at tomorrow’s Canyon Lake Car Show.

The Yacht Club brings its emphasis on boating, fun and the beautiful lake to the annual Canyon Lake Car Show tomorrow with games, prizes, and opportunities to donate for Maui wildfire relief amidst the beautiful classic cars on display at the show.

“We want the Canyon Lake community to know that classic cars and fun boating just naturally go together,” Yacht Club Commodore Ron Wilbur said.

“The Yacht Club shares many members with the Car Club and, frankly, people who like cars tend to like boats, too. We’re going to have games and prizes and a great membership offer for brand-new members.”

The result of the HarborFest fundraiser alone was hundreds of dollars as the club donated all the money raised from membership fees to Maui relief.

“We’ve raised thousands of dollars and members have sent hundreds of pounds of toys, clothes, school supplies and other gifts of love to the island of Maui to help Maui residents recover from the tragic fires and there’s more to be done,” Ron said. “At the Car Show, we’ll provide several opportunities for attendees to donate to help the victims of the August wildfires on Maui. Since we’re a 501(c)3 non-profit club, donors can claim a tax deduction for their donations.”

The club acted quickly after the wildfires of Aug. 8, converting a planned Hawaiian Luau party on Aug. 20 into a fundraising event. Dozens of members stepped up to bring money and needed supplies to the event at the Eastport Activities Room on a Sunday that saw Tropical Storm Hilary bring a drenching to the community.

Since then, the Yacht Club has raised money for Maui at four other events, with tomorrow’s Car Show being the fifth.

“We had to help,” Commodore Ron Wilbur said. “In the face of devastation and loss of life and livelihood, the community wanted to come together for the people so acutely affected, just as it has so many other times. Canyon Lakers are some of the finest people in the country and they continue to show that they care.”

“We’re going to have some fun at the Car Show with a wheel of fortune, and lots of other fun ways for people to get their inner yacht-person on,” Vice Commodore Rob Mora said. “Lots of Yacht Club members have classic cars and are excited to have us at the Car Show. We’re happy to support the Car Club at this annual show, and it gives us an opportunity to make a difference in the community and our world through our charitable fundraising activities.”

Ron said the club was especially grateful to the Canyon Lake POA for supporting the club at Maui Sunday and to The Canyon Lake Fine Arts Guild and its president, Bonnie Dubbs, for providing it an opportunity to raise money at HarborFest.

“The Yacht Club isn’t just about having fun and making friends,” Ron said. “It’s about being generous with our time and money. That’s part of the reason we became a 501(c)3 non-profit at the beginning of the year. We want to make a difference.”

The club continues to grow at a rapid rate. It just added its 300th member, which represents an almost 500% increase over last year. That 300th member, Kathy Barbay, will be honored at the club’s “Fall Fun” picnic on Oct. 14 at 1:30 pm at Sierra Park.

This third and final club picnic for the year brings members together for food and fun, and includes games for all ages. As usual, the Yacht Club is providing the main dish, with members bringing potluck side dishes and beverages.

The picnic will celebrate club membership that has exceeded all expectations. The fast-growing club has grown from 62 members in 2022 to 316 members so far this year. In September, the club registered another record by signing up 60 new members for the month, Ron said.

The October picnic is one of 44 events and activities of the Yacht Club this year, with the exciting and elegant, invitation-only, inaugural Commodore’s Ball to be held in November.

“It’s so fun to see so many excited new members in the club this year,” Ron said. “We’re grateful for the tremendous response to the club from the community that has enabled us to give out scholarships to deserving students, hold numerous fun events and clinics, and donate thousands of dollars in support of Maui wildfire relief.”


