Burnses report on Maui Relief return trip

Thanks again to all of you who have given so generously to our Maui Relief fund. As promised, Michelle and I flew to Maui last week, leaving on Tuesday morning and returning on Thursday. As stated earlier, our immediate plan was to get some cash to people who had lost everything they owned, and now have nothing.

With no electricity or cell phone coverage, the options of using credit cards, debit cards, Zelle and Venmo etc. are not available to many there. In Lahaina, stores that were open were accepting “cash only.”

Wednesday morning we drove to the Lahaina area. We were able to connect with all the families who we were attempting to reach. We distributed $2,800 of the funds collected  to 11 families who have absolutely nothing left. We were able to actually hand each one of them an envelope with $200 to $300 cash in it.

I cannot accurately convey the looks of disbelief and gratitude that these people had. And it was not because of the money. It gave them a glimmer of hope. They were just overwhelmed that there were so many people, who they had never met, but yet wanted to do whatever they could to give them some help. This is what the Hawaiians mean by Ohana (family). It is a special thing to the Hawaiians, and you have become a part of it. Thank you again.

One additional comment. We were also able to take over a total of six suitcases (four of which were left there). They were full of items that the Lahaina folks had requested or needed, including things like clothes, back-up batteries for charging cell phones, make-up, and the biggest hit of them all, toys.

We heard one boy say to his mom. “Mommy, I just want to go home and play with my toys.” He does not realize yet that there is no home, and there are no toys, because they have not been allowed access to their neighborhood yet. It is heartbreaking.

At any rate, to those who have donated to our GoFundMe, mahalo nui loa (thank you very much). If all of you can pass the GoFundMe link to your friends, through your social media contacts, or perhaps just post it on the bulletin board at work, it would be appreciated. The link is: gofund.me/f79b37ae.

The need in Lahaina will be ongoing, and we will be talking to those affected to find out what they need and what they cannot get. This last week, they needed cash, and there was no government agency that supplied that.

Due to your contributions, our fund filled that need. As the fund continues to collect funds, we will try to fulfill those needs that are not being met.

We are getting many thank you notes from the recipients of your generosity, and we will be posting them as soon as time permits.

Many mahalos to all of you. You made all of the above possible.


