Beautiful weather makes for big Paddle & Pedal Regatta turnout

Paddlers in kayaks, paddleboards, stand-up pedal boards, and row boats filled the East Bay on Saturday at the 11th Annual Paddle & Pedal Regatta, sponsored by the Canyon Lake Triathlon & Fitness Club at Indian Beach. The more than 60 people who showed up for the event gathered for a group photo and then paddled to East Port and back.

After the activities, participants enjoyed socializing, and many brought tents to hang out on the beach. On behalf of the Triathlon and Fitness Club, organizer Karin Cassidy expressed gratitude to everyone who attended the event and extended thanks to the volunteers, including Maria Kivrizis, Matt Kivrizis, and Laura Hegland, for their dedication in making the event a success.

In the spirit of the event, participants were encouraged to dress in Hawaiian style, and leis were provided. The first and second place winners of the costume contest were Tracey Rainwater, dressed as a pig, and Darla Coleman, pursuing the pig with her spear.

The winners of the paddle race were 1st Place Kid – Sicilia Morris, 1st Place Adult – Rachel Cozloff, 2nd Place Adult – Amy Huecker and 3rd Place Adult – Devon Greg.

The club’s next community event will be an Olympic/Sprint Relay on Oct. 14.. This will be the club’s last race event of the year. With it being a relay format, people can sign up to swim, run or bike (or do two or three legs) and they will be paired with others to form teams. The distance options will be: Swim: 750m or 1,500m, Bike: 12.5 miles or 25 miles, and Run: 3.1 miles or 6.2 miles.

Tracey Rainwater, right, and Darla Coleman won the 1st and 2nd place in the costume contest, respectively at the Paddle and Pedal Regatta Saturday. Photo by Aprile DeAnne McKinnon

Photo by Aprile DeAnne McKinnon

Photo by Aprile DeAnne McKinnon

Photo by Aprile DeAnne McKinnon

Photo by Aprile DeAnne McKinnon


