Electrical safety top of committee’s list

Electrical safety was on the top of the minds of the 19 concerned residents who came to the Canyon Lake Emergency Preparedness Committee meeting last week.

During the committee’s meeting, the focus of the session was centered around the critical subject of electrical safety. Nate Duer, the president, took the floor and meticulously outlined the necessary actions to be undertaken during various emergency scenarios.

Crucial updates were also shared by HAM radio operators, who reported on their weekly check-ins, contributing to the community‘s overall preparedness efforts.

The treasurer, Sandie Humphrey, delivered an important report concerning the financial health of the committee, ensuring transparency in its operations.

Adding to the committee‘s strength, Charlie Magnan was introduced as the new secretary and membership coordinator. In her role, Charlie has already spearheaded efforts related to document review, efficient file management, member verification, and successful recruitment endeavors.

The committee pledged to actively participate in the upcoming Annual Shake Out event, scheduled for Oct. 19, which will put into action the community’s response to earthquakes when they occur.

Looking ahead, the members decided to meticulously review and update their disaster procedures during their next meeting, which is set to take place in September. This proactive approach aims to further fortify their readiness for any potential emergencies.

Attendees were reminded of the valuable opportunity for free training in Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), which the county of Riverside offers. Such training provides residents with the essential knowledge and skills to effectively assist in emergencies.

The next Canyon Lake Emergency Preparedness Committee meeting is scheduled for Sept. 7 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting venue will be at the city council meeting room downstairs in Canyon Lake City Hall.

For the residents of Canyon Lake who are interested in contributing to the committee‘s efforts or seeking further information about its objectives, Charlie can be reached at membership4CLEPC@yahoo.com.

With the community coming together and actively participating in the committee‘s initiatives, the City of Canyon Lake continues to strengthen its disaster preparedness and ensure the safety of its residents.



