A lifetime of lessons at one Easter table

Happy Friday Canyon Lakers. I am writing this knowing that Friday is my mother’s birthday, as well as a few friends this week, too. Happy Birthday to you. I hope you enjoy a weekend filled with love, peace and kindness. We are looking forward to my kids and grandson all coming out and enjoying some laughs and great food.

My mom taught me some great lessons and I am sure yours did, too. Mom has taught me strength, to never give up, to be kind, to accept others’ differences, and to laugh at really awkward moments.

My parents, Sam and Joyce San Paolo, my brother Mark San Paolo and I sit on the front porch where we love to watch the sun rise. Photo by Aprile DeAnne McKinnon.

You see, my parents‘ first child, my brother Mark, is autistic. Autism wasn’t really known back when he was a kid. My brother wasn’t diagnosed until he was 5 years old. I was born prior to his diagnosis. I have always been very protective of him and we share a special bond.

My mother changed autism legislation, and never gave up fighting to help my brother get the care he needed. She never gave up in the face of constant adversity.

My mother always said that my brother taught us so many things: patience, unconditional love, acceptance, compassion, and to learn to laugh. We laughed often because we honestly didn’t know sometimes what else to do. He could do things you and I would never dream of doing, but he being very severely autistic, just did what he did. We just accepted him.

You should have been at the Easter table with us on Sunday. It was like a taping of the Nutty Professor.

My mother needed her time to reflect on the beauty in life. She was the one who often brought to my and my kids’ attention the beauty that surrounds us and to take the time to smell the roses, look at the cloud formations, and enjoy the sunrises and sunsets.

I think that is what drew her to Canyon Lake. Years ago, she would drive out from the Torrance area where they lived and would help me with the kids. She would sometimes stay for weeks. She loved the Canyon Lake people, my friends and the sunrises. I was thankful for the help.

She would sit on the patio and enjoy the sunrises. She would send videos to her friends of the sunrises with birds singing in the background. She and my father eventually moved here and now call this their home. I am so thankful for the involvement my parents played in my kids‘ lives. Grandparents are the best.

Our porch brings us lots of beautiful sunrises, conversation, wisdom, music and laughs. And we know there are many more memories to come. We never take the sunrise for granted. We cherish them. Thanks to Mom. Happy Birthday.


