Family Matters Club Lucky Duck Derby is a quack up

The third annual Lucky Duck Derby, a fundraising event put on by the Canyon Lake Family Matters Club, took place on Saturday at the Canyon Lake Lodge pool. The sun appeared and the skies cleared just in time for the race.

Participants laughed, as members cheered on the adopted rubber ducks. Linda Dominguez’s rubber duckie #1139 finished first. Linda was awarded the $100 Grand Prize sponsored by Canyon Lake Solar.

Sandi Geer of Farmers Insurance was the Grand Marshall for the third consecutive year and stood by to get the race started. Sandi cheered at the finish line as the winning ducks’ numbers were called out as they crossed the finish line.

The adopted rubber duckies are dumped into the Canyon Lake Lodge Pool Saturday at the beginning of the Family Matters Club’s Lucky Duck Derby.

“I love to give back to clubs in our community and there are so many to give to,” Sandi said. “I love that the Family Matters Club does so much for our kids. The sponsorship to be the Grand Marshal is so much fun. I have loved it.”

Hundreds of rubber ducks were “adopted” for a fee and were dumped into the pool for the race. Water hoses pushed the batch of ducks down the lane and those that touched the opposite end of the pool first, were awarded prizes by race sponsors.


