Enjoying the calm before the storm at Sunset Beach

Monday at Sunset Beach you could find many families enjoying the beautiful weather while playing at the park. It’s the calm before the storm, I thought. I hope that you all have enjoyed Monday and the weekend as much as I did. The weather has been so beautiful. Since the first of the week, though, it’s been cold and rainy.

I knew the rain was coming, so I wanted to get out and grab some shots of the kids enjoying our community while it was still gorgeous out.

Addison Jones and Connor Simon enjoy the “Curly Slide” at Sunset Beach. Photos by Aprile DeAnne McKinnon

I was inspired to head down to the Lodge. When I first moved to Canyon Lake, I would spend lots of time at Sunset Beach, the community pool and the Lodge. It was a favorite place for my kids and for me. I loved to bring my son there where we have lots of great memories. Taco Tuesdays were our favorite. We also spent lots of time in the park and taking walks.

It was also a place for me to find some serenity. I spent many days by myself at the pool on a sunny day. I would turn the lounge chair around and face the lake. It didn’t matter if it was a cold or a hot day, as long as there was sun. I cherished the quiet moments. Just lying on the chair facing the lake would renew my soul. There was something always magical for me there looking out onto the calm lake.

Wyatt Jones holds his daughter Brynlee’s hand while she goes down the slide at Sunset Beach.

While on my way to the park today, I met a few families and I introduced myself. Thinking of my son at that age, I asked the little girl walking next to me with her parents what her favorite thing at the park was.

“I love the curly slide,” said 7-year-old Addison Jones. I opened up the gate to the park for the family.

All the kids were at the park with Mom and Dad, including Wyatt and Meghan Jones. Brynlee, 3, told her mother she did not want to be in the pictures I was taking because her hair was a mess. She ended up letting me take a picture later, after all. Little 2-week-old Tatum was in his stroller all bundled up.

Brothers Connor and Colton Simon climb together at the playground at Sunset Beach.

Addison made friends with Connor Simon, and they went to ride the “curly slide” together. Connor and his brother Colton were with Dad, Scott Simon. Scott said their family enjoys the parks of Canyon Lake every week.

It was a beautiful day in Canyon Lake Monday. Beautiful memories were made with families and friends enjoying their time together in Canyon Lake.

We are so lucky to live in this “little piece of paradise,” building dreams and making memories together. Enjoy making memories this week, Canyon Lake.


