Vacation Park gets its playground, fitness areas

After supply-chain issues with the manufacturers of the playground equipment and fitness stations caused Vacation Park to open without them in August, the Canyon Lake POA has received the equipment and they are installed. Both opened over the weekend for public use.

Shaded picnic areas have also been installed to go with a bicycle pump track that opened with the soft opening in August.

It is anticipated that the Canyon Lake POA will hold an official grand opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony soon, now that these items have been installed.

The new family park features a pump track with bleachers, a shaded picnic area, walking trails, restrooms, and natural landscaping that, once mature, will create a serene atmosphere.

The project, which converted a piece of useless association-owned land into a unique family park opposite the existing Sierra Park, was officially named Vacation Park by the Canyon Lake POA after it had been informally known as Sierra Park North.

The $2 million project, which was approved through a vote of the Canyon Lake POA membership last year, included a 10 percent contingency.

The original bids for its construction came in higher than that, but through adjustments in how the retaining walls were designed and built, money was saved to the extent that the approved funds were sufficient.


