Getting along when things appear to not make sense

Happy Friday Canyon Lake, I do hope you’ve been well and that your weekend will be awesome. Looks like the weather will be nice for the coming week. No matter what though, the lake is always gorgeous.

There seems to be so much going on in the lake, from the sale of the property that the fire station is home to and, of course, we have the upcoming remodel of the Lodge and surrounding area.

I’m not totally in the dark about the different comments being made across the board on both subjects and I see both sides of the issues from different perspectives and I respect them all. Now please, don’t think I’m in any way taking sides. I have my opinion and I feel it necessary to keep that to myself. I do, however, have concerns. I don’t want this community to be divided, not literally anyway.

Let me explain. You see, I feel differences are truly what make the world a unique and wonderful place to live. It’s amazing how people see things and see the world, especially our little community.

What I don’t want to happen is hardcore division. We can be divided on our opinions and beliefs of how things should be done, yet at the end of the day, I want us to stand united as a community of friends, family and neighbors who continue to be there for each other in times of need.

I’ve seen first hand in my life how one difference between two people‘s thinking can bring them to cutting each other off. I never want to see that happen again.

Sure, there are times when we simply don’t need certain people in our lives for whatever reason, and that’s OK, at least in my opinion. What doesn’t seem OK to me is when the gloves come off and the swinging begins and people and reputations are hurt, damaged and brought into question. The hurt is sometimes hard to overcome.

I know I tend to look at life unrealistically sometimes. I’ve even been told I am a romantic because I always try to give everyone the benefit of doubt. I try to find the good and positive and I hate it when someone is upset or mad at me. That’s one of my biggest flaws, and I accept it and it is what it is.

I guess in a nutshell, what I’m trying to say is simple. I believe in Canyon Lake. I believe in this community and those that work their booties off to make this the best place to live. We all want the children of Canyon Lake to thrive and one way to ensure this is to stay united as a community even when we have differences of opinion.

I want us as a whole to always get along. I’m not asking that we always agree or that we always see eye to eye. I’m not even asking that we always like everyone, however, we can always show respect, even if it is in the smallest way.

As your Friday Flyer reporter, it’s my job to seek out and cover the various events and things going on in and around the lake. I hope that what I report is brought to you in the best way possible. I hope to always give you the best paper possible and I hope we can always get along.

Canyon Lakers, I hope we always stand together as a community, despite the issues. I believe in us. With that being said, enjoy your weekend and from my heart and home to yours, thank you for your support.


