Businesses invited to make connections at Speed Networking

Canyon Lake businesses will be meeting up next week looking for a connection.

Much like speed dating introduces individuals to possible matches, the Canyon Lake Chamber of Commerce Speed Networking event Thursday will effectively introduce businesses to each other.

The Speed Networking event will take place at Pepe’s Mexican Restaurant and Cantina in the Canyon Lake Town Center at 6:00 p.m.

The evening is open to both members of the Chamber and non-members.

When the same event was held in June, small business owners came away excited about their new connections. In one evening, professional relationships were identified and established. So the Chamber of Commerce is on to another round of the popular Speed Networking event.

From 6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m the evening begins with socializing and mingling, followed by speed networking from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

“The event is an extremely time-saving and effective way of making as many professional connections as possible in a relatively short period of time,” Heidi Currie, the Chamber’s Administrative Services Manager, said. “Just think ‘speed dating’ for businesses.”

Advance registration is encouraged and carries a discounted fee of $20 for Chamber members and $30 for non-Chamber members. Pre-registration takes place on the Chamber’s website

At-the-door registration is $30 for Chamber members and $40 for non-Chamber members.

Event ticket includes one drink, light appetizers and one raffle ticket.

For questions, contact the Chamber at 951-244-6124.


