Santa elves get together to wrap kids’ presents

The secret elves and helpers of the Canyon Lake Family Matters Club met at a Canyon Lake workshop this week to wrap gifts for over 100 children who wrote letters to Santa and placed them in the club mailbox on Mayflower Dr. by Saturday.

The group of seven secret Santa elves wrapped gifts, packaged reindeer food and helped Santa write letters back to the children who participated.

Every year, the Family Matters Club answers letters with letters from Santa and provides the child with a package of reindeer food to leave out on Christmas Eve for the reindeer. Canyon Lake children who write the letters receive a gift delivered to them before Christmas.

The Canyon Lake Family Matters Club’s Kathy Wood puts on her elf cap and helps wrap gifts the club is giving to the children who wrote Santa Claus and left the letter with the club. The presents will be distributed before Christmas to the children’s homes. Photo by Dawn Rankins.

Santa elves, from left, Jeannie Hoonnirun, Jan Lowrance-Meyer and Donna Kupke package reindeer food to give out to the children who wrote Santa letters. Photo by Dawn Rankins.

Santa elf Jan Lowrance-Meyer wraps a gift that will be left on the doorstep of a Canyon Lake child who wrote a letter to Santa as part of the Canyon Lake Family Matters Club’s annual Letters to Santa event. Photo by Dawn Rankins.


