Canyon Lake Life

Happy Friday Friday Flyer readers. I do hope this article finds you all well. We are just two days from Christmas and I can’t wait. The trees are decorated and gifts are almost all wrapped and put under the tree. How is your Christmas coming together?

This past week has been nothing but crazy busy and I love it. A friend came from Arizona and spent a couple of days with me. Jen and I made some yummy rum balls and finished decorating the trees and house. We played Christmas music and stayed in our jammies for two days all while enjoying the Christmas spirit that exploded in my home.

I hand delivered a couple of Christmas cards to my neighbors and it felt good wishing them a Merry Christmas. I especially enjoyed the time I got with my neighbor Chuck DeSalvo. What an amazing man he is.

Chuck lost his wife Karen in August, so he’s navigating a new normal in life. I can’t imagine what this Christmas will feel like for him as he remembers all the wonderful Christmases he had with his wife who is no longer here.

I hope he finds some comfort in his memories with her and I know he’ll be given extra love from his family who he’ll be spending Christmas with.

Chuck DeSalvo enjoys one of my pups during his visit. Photo by Dawn Rankins

Chuck shared with me how nice it was to have me and my friend Jen stop by and bring him a Christmas card and stay for a bit to just talk. His little pup Buddy was so excited to be showing off his toys while Jen, Chuck and I talked.

When Jen and I got home, we talked about what a wonderful and kind man Chuck is. We felt good spending time with him. Jen and I were getting ready to head out to run some errands and grab lunch when we thought it would be fun to have Chuck join us.

I went over and asked if he would like to come along. He said he couldn’t make it because he already had plans with his son Jeff. We invited him to stop by later if he wanted to, and that is just what he and Jeff did after their dinner.

We had the best time with the two of them as we just talked about life. I’m here to tell you, there is so much knowledge wrapped up in the older generation and I’m happy to have made my friendship with Chuck official.

I thoroughly enjoyed having my new friend stop by for a coffee and Baileys and share some of his life experiences. My pups were excited to have him over, too. They couldn’t stay off his lap and Chuck just embraced the moment.

Now I will admit, I have gone a little Christmas crazy. I have 14 trees up. Now before you get to thinking that‘s insane, some are small and fit on top of tables. But, I do have four seven-foot trees up. I wouldn’t change what I’ve done for anything.

While Chuck was here, he made mention several times that my home gave him a wonderful Christmas feeling. He said my home was filled with the Christmas spirit and I don’t think he’ll ever know just how that warmed my heart.

My wishes are coming true every day. I have always wanted to be known for having a Christmas spirit. My dear, kind neighbor who is now my friend said my home is filled with Christmas spirit.

Chuck and Jeff hung out with us for a couple of hours and it was so nice being able to open my home and have my Canyon Lake friends stop over to enjoy time around the Christmas tree telling stories.

The Christmas spirit came home to me. What a wonderful community of friends and family I have and continue to make here in this wonderful place called Canyon Lake.

I can’t help but think about those around us that live alone or who have lost a loved one recently and maybe unbeknownst to us, they might be spending this holiday season alone.

If that’s their choice, then obviously that is OK. However, if they are alone and don’t know how to reach out, then they may be in for a very lonely Christmas.

Perhaps, if we know of someone close to us, a neighbor, a friend or family member who we know lives alone, maybe we can find a little Christmas spirit and invite them to our home. It may be for dinner or just to be a part, no matter how big or small, of our Christmas celebrations. If we can’t extend such an invitation, maybe we can warm their heart with a little card that lets them know they matter.

Christmas is a time of giving. Sometimes giving of our time is the best gift someone can receive. Just a thought.

Thank you Canyon Lake for always reminding me of how blessed I am, not only to live here, but to also receive such wonderful gifts of friendship and community Christmas spirit.

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or maybe, just happy Friday to each and every one of you.


