Tract 3961 Special Meeting adjourned again until Nov. 2

The Adjourned Special Meeting of the Members Tract 3961 scheduled for Wednesday didn’t meet quorum, so the Canyon Lake POA is adjourning the meeting again until Nov. 2 in an attempt to collect the number of votes needed.

The purpose of this election is to see if a majority of Tract 3961 would vote to change the 20-foot setback restriction of trailer parking on driveways to 5 feet from the curb.

Ballots are being re-mailed to those who haven’t already voted, as a courtesy, Tiffany Cribbs, CLPOA Senior Communications Specialist, said. A raffle is being held by the POA to encourage those in this tract to vote. All who vote will be entered into a raffle for one of two $100 Canyon Lake POA Gift Cards.

The original election date was June 8, however, the quorum was not met, so the adjourned meeting was required to be scheduled. Tiffany calls the November adjournment “a last-ditch effort” to obtain the number of votes required to open the meeting.


