City’s volunteers plant a flag on every CL yard

James Hoonnirun, one of 50 volunteers, plants a flag in a Canyon Lake front yard last week prior to the Memorial Day weekend. A total of 4,800 flags were placed in every yard in Canyon Lake to honor the fallen military. Photo provided by Jeannie Hoonnirun

Fiesta Days is such a huge and traditional event that celebrates the Memorial Day weekend and the opening of the summer season in Canyon Lake. As wonderful and fun as the weekend always is, the City of Canyon Lake Memorial Day Committee was determined to include in the festivities the purpose of the holiday…to remember those who have died defending the country.

“The committee got together and talked about the importance of and the reason for Memorial Day Weekend,” Council Member and Committee Member Kasey Castillo said.

“We decided we would show just how patriotic Canyon Lake is by placing a flag at every residence.”

The Herculean task was carried out by over 50 volunteers and organized by the city committee, which included, in addition to Kasey, Council Member Jennifer Dain and City Clerk Ana Sauseda.

Members of the city staff tied ribbons with the city logo onto each flag and provided the volunteers with 4,800 flags to place in each Canyon Lake yard. It took the volunteers three days to place the flags, with the last one being planted on Friday. The flags were on display throughout the holiday weekend.

“We are very proud of this city and of the members of our community,” Kasey said. “We love the response we’ve been getting to this small gesture of remembrance and unity.”


