Van Vleet, Doherty win

Bill Van Vleet and Greg Doherty were elected Saturday to the Canyon Lake Property Owners Association Board of Directors at the association’s annual meeting. Postponed until Saturday because enough votes were not cast to constitute a quorum on Thursday, the votes were counted and Bill and Greg were elected to two-year terms on the board.

As a first order of business, the newly-constituted board chose its new president and other board positions. The 2022-23 president is Renee Griffiths, vice president is Tim Cook, board secretary is Brian Bock, board treasurer is Bill Van Vleet and board director is Greg Doherty.

The Canyon Lake POA membership soundly passed the IRS Revenue Rule 70-604 measure on the ballot, 1,325 in favor and 79 against.

The Director Election Results were: Bill Van Vleet: 1,014 votes; Greg Doherty: 788 votes; Tony Schwarzman: 485 votes; Alexis Prince: 418 votes; Kalon Morris: 181 votes; Carl Gardner: 35 votes; and Rita Bendlin: 21 votes.

The annual meeting was called to order on Thursday last week, but the required 1,600 votes needed to establish a quorum fell 56 votes short. Consequently, the meeting was adjourned until two days later where a lower threshold is needed to qualify for a quorum. The votes were counted by HOA Elections of California, a service that provides clients like the Canyon Lake POA with and independent handling of association elections.

There were two vacancies on the Canyon Lake POA Board of Directors. Outgoing Board President Joe Kamashian chose not to run for a second term and Vice President Jim Barrington had completed his two terms, the maximum allowed by CLPOA bylaws.

Passing the IRS Revenue Rule 70-604 measure means saving the association in tax liability. The IRS Revenue Tax Ruling 70-604 allows associations to avoid a tax consequence on any inadvertent excess member income that is applied to the following Fiscal Year assessment when filing a tax return Federal Form 1120.

The proposed IRS Ballot Measure is considered an annual industry standard to allow for clear tax filing authorization, should the board decide to apply excess income to the following year’s assessment. Though the association recognizes three options for application of excess income, ((1) refund to the membership, (2) apply to following year’s assessments/operational budget or (3) apply to the reserves) this ballot measure only pertains to the option of applying excess income to the following year’s assessment.


