Letter: Thanks for ‘Woman of Impact’ support

Editor, The Friday Flyer:

I would like to thank the Friday Flyer and the Canyon Lake community for your support of my nomination as a 2022 American Heart Association “Woman of Impact.” We had a sold-out comedy show at PZA on April 2, which culminated my campaign.

I am humbled and honored to let you know that in the nine weeks of this fund raising campaign, I raised over $25,000 with no corporate sponsorships. Every donation was made by individuals (some with matching funds by their employer).

These monies went directly to the American Heart Association to fund additional research and resources and help reduce deaths from cardiac disease and stroke. Cardiac disease is the #1 killer of women today.

I will continue to speak with women and women‘s groups on the differences in the signs and symptoms of heart disease in women versus men. I am a survivor and a warrior as I continue my journey with cardiac disease, along with the Scripps Heart Transplant department. There‘s way too much living to do (and a huge bucket list) to give up the fight.

Again, thank you to my friends, family and the Canyon Lake community for all you have done. This is what Canyon Lake is all about.

— Ilyssa (Esgar) Decasperis

Letters to the Editor are an opportunity for residents to voice opinions and comment on city, POA and other community issues. Letters are limited to 300 words and one signature per letter. Neighbor/customer disputes or testimonials, letters directed to other persons and political letters directed toward an opponent will not be printed. Readers are reminded information presented as “fact” may not be factual; and if anyone has a question, they are urged to contact the appropriate POA, City of Canyon Lake, Canyon Lake Police Department or other entity to receive a clearer understanding of the issue. Letters should be emailed to news@goldingpublications.com or submitted at fridayflyer.com and click on Submit News/Photos. Deadlines are Tuesdays at noon.



