Super Zinggs help Santa with over 120 letters

Over 120 kids wrote their letters to Santa and dropped them in Santa’s little mailbox on Canyon Lake Drive North, sponsored by Super Zinggs Realtors. The letter writers each received a reply from Santa, the helpers said, when addresses were included.

Little Caitlyn drops off her letter to Santa in the Super Zinggs’ mailbox. Caitlyn and the 120 other children who wrote Santa received a reply letter during the project last month. Photo provided by Brenda Lou.

“Santa wanted to tell those kiddos who didn’t get a letter back that he did receive your letter and he loved them all,” the Super Zinggs said. “Some boys and girls forgot to add their addresses and Santa lost track of time and wasn’t able to track those down. Santa said there were so many good little boys and girls this year that he wanted to make sure he didn’t forget their toys.”

The Super Zinggs elves said they were excited to receive more letters than the prior year from all the happy kids in Canyon Lake and Santa said every letter touched his heart.

“Some kids asked for bikes and Barbies, while others asked for Peace on Earth” they said. “Some of the most heartwarming letters were from those kids that simply asked for their brother or sister to come home.”

Santa said many sent photos and he wanted everyone to know that he loved the photos and they are all hanging on his picture wall.


