Over 1,000 stop by to visit CarnEvil

After a year of planning, Josh Steeber began setting up his yard for his rendition of CarnEvil back on Oct. 1. Josh figures over 1,000 people have stopped by to check out the results.

Josh said between work, his kids and family life, along with Little League and some unforeseen Mother Nature delays, CarnEvil turned out just how he imagined it would.

“This was made possible by the over three dozen Canyon Lakers ranging in age from 6 years old to 72 years young who helped me carry out my vision,” Josh said. “It was great seeing everyone who was able to make it to CarnEvil. The smiles on everyone’s faces made this year and all the prior years’ work, even the mishaps that happened, worth it.”

Yes, that is a pig barbecuing human limbs…the ultimate revenge…portrayed in a vignette at CarnEvil, a Halloween event Josh Steeber invited the community to enjoy. Josh figures over 1,000 people came to see what he and his friends put together. Photo by Dawn Rankins.

Josh’s entire yard was filled with next-level horror and ghoulish vignettes. Pigs barbecuing human limbs is a prime example of the lengths Josh went to to startle those who paid his CarnEvil a visit.

“Thank you Canyon Lake for making this dream a reality,” Josh said. “I wish you all a happy and safe Halloween. And, yes, I’m already planning for next year.”

His house was entered in the Halloween Town Spooktacular House Contest. Not surprisingly, he won Best Themed House.


