Letter: What makes life simple

Editor, The Friday Flyer:

Well, how are we all coping in this convoluted, upside down, insecure world? A couple of months ago I wrote what simple things helped me cope. I was asked to try it again with a few more tidbits that help me.

Back in the late 1940s and early 1950s, my father built a small two bedroom house that had an outhouse in the back and no sidewalks. My two brothers and I remember each morning when Dad would rise before work with my mother and she would put a percolator coffee pot on the stove. The aroma of that brewed coffee came into our bedroom and smelled great.

At times we three boys would get up, go into the kitchen and sit on the floor with our comic books of Porky Pig and read while sitting on the floor while mom and dad talked and laughed at the kitchen table. I would turn around and watch mother get the black cast-iron frying pan out, throw the Crisco grease into the pan with eggs and bacon frying.

Their conversation in that small house made these three small boys as secure as possible. So today, my gracious wife gets up early, puts on a pot of coffee before I get up and I can smell that same aroma that I did as a boy. I get my paper, turn on the great music of Julie London, and along with my wife sit down in my favorite chair, drink my coffee while we read the newspaper, eliminating the articles that are so depressing. Very calming.

I hope some of you understand what I’m talking about. Try it!

— Paul Parque

Letters to the Editor are an opportunity for residents to voice opinions and comment on city, POA and other community issues. Letters are limited to 300 words and one signature per letter. Neighbor/customer disputes or testimonials, letters directed to other persons and political letters directed toward an opponent will not be printed. Readers are reminded information presented as “fact” may not be factual; and if anyone has a question, they are urged to contact the appropriate POA, City of Canyon Lake, Canyon Lake Police Department or other entity to receive a clearer understanding of the issue. Letters should be emailed to news@goldingpublications.com or submitted at fridayflyer.com and click on Submit News/Photos. Deadlines are Tuesdays at noon.


