CL Bible Club has services in the park

Learning more about Leviticus couldn’t be in a better setting. The Canyon Lake Bible Club and its members met Sunday, as they do every week, for their outdoor services at Indian Beach. The topic of the 9:30 a.m. sermon was Leviticus.

“What better way to enjoy the proclamation of the word than hearing it in nature,” Elder Dale Norton said.

Pastor Thor Ramsey said the club routinely sees an average attendance of between 40 and 60 people at the Sunday service. He said everyone is welcome to attend and those attending should bring a chair or blanket to sit on.

Canyon Lake Bible Club launched its first service in Canyon Lake five years ago on an Easter Sunday and they have held weekly services ever since.

“I love the way Pastor Thor presents the word,” Linda Johnson, who was in attendance this past Sunday, said. “He does so with emotion and that makes me feel more connected to what is being said.”

Angie Jones said she’s been attending the Bible Club services since Easter of 2021 and loves being outside where the atmosphere is great.


