Letters: Missed the intent of letter

Editor, The Friday Flyer:

Your letter from POA finance committee member, Greg Doherty  completely missed the intent and content of my letter written previously. He states my letter was published under the erroneous headline “more relief funds available to POA”

In actuality, my letter pointed out that whereas both Canyon Lake restaurants, which are heavily subsidized by POA dues, have been closed for a considerable period of time, why were the POA dues still increasing and in fact The Country Club is still not open seven days a week even though Canyon Lake had received over $1,100,000 in government assistance and this has been forgiven.

I did contact the POA office about the possibility of getting additional Federal funding and sent out the application to do this, and at the time of  my letter to you had received no communication back from the POA requesting an update.

I did however, on May 13, receive a  very pleasant email from the POA acknowledging receipt of my information, and confirmation that in fact an application has been submitted which is in direct contradiction to what Mr. Doherty stated.

I emailed The Friday Flyer on May 15 stating “to be fair and to set the record straight, I did get a response from the POA,” but this was not published and I have no control over this, but you can certainly verify this occurred.

Finally, there was nothing in my letter that could even remotely be considered uncivil or lashing out haphazardly as stated in Mr. Doherty’s response and I would have thought that all branches of Canyon Lake’s administration would welcome positive input.

— Clive Taylor

Letters to the Editor are an opportunity for residents to voice opinions and comment on city, POA and other community issues. Letters are limited to 300 words and one signature per letter. Neighbor/customer disputes or testimonials, letters directed to other persons and political letters directed toward an opponent will not be printed. Readers are reminded information presented as “fact” may not be factual; and if anyone has a question, they are urged to contact the appropriate POA, City of Canyon Lake, Canyon Lake Police Department or other entity to receive a clearer understanding of the issue. Letters should be emailed to news@goldingpublications.com or submitted at fridayflyer.com and click on Submit News/Photos. Deadlines are Tuesdays at noon.


