Canyon Lake Travel Club holds Worldwide Poker Run

It may have just been a jog around Canyon Lake, but at the end of the day, Canyon Lake Travel Club members had experienced a run around the world. The club’s Worldwide Poker Run had members visiting four Canyon Lake parks on Sunday where poker hands were built by visiting various world displays.

Lenore McVay, who was celebrating her birthday, took first place by coming up with the best poker hand and won a $100.00 POA gift card. Jane Lafferty was the second place finisher and won a $100.00 Charcuterie Tray donated by Samantha Gorrell and Doug Ray won a $50.00 POA gift card donated by the Canyon Lake POA for taking third place.

Stops included Out of Africa, Tropical Paradise, Explore Indonesia and a welcome back to the USA. After participants collected the cards for their poker hands, they relaxed at Holiday Harbor with a picnic lunch from Jersey Mike’s.

Lenore’s winning hand was a straight. The event was organized by board members Grace Ward and Kathy Ray.  The Canyon Lake Travel Club is preparing to begin day trips in September. For those with questions about joining the Travel Club, contact the club at


