News Briefs

Fifth Canyon Lake man dies of COVID-19

Riverside County reported on Monday that a fifth person from Canyon Lake has died after having been diagnosed as catching the COVID-19 virus. No names are released when a death is announced, but the data accompanying the announcement states the person who died is a 80+ year old white male.

All five deaths have been white males. The City of Canyon Lake is the seventh lowest COVID-19 per capita death rate in the county. Almost 4.5% of Canyon Lake residents have attracted the virus, which ranks as the sixth lowest city in the county.

Clubs to host blood drive

Three Canyon Lake clubs have joined forces once again to host a blood drive at the Canyon Lake Golf & Country Club next month. The American Red Cross Blood Drive is open to all residents of Canyon Lake and the surrounding area.

The Jan. 11 blood drive will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Magnolia Room of the country club. The drive is sponsored by the Canyon Lake Ski Club, the Canyon Lake Women’s Golf Club and the Canyon Lake 9ers Golf Club. The clubs held a similar and very successful blood drive in October.

“We are committed to strengthening our community and helping meet hospital and patient needs through blood donations,” said Travis Montgomery, one of the drive organizers. “This blood drive is our way of giving our neighbors and friends the opportunity to help save lives.” For more information or to make an appointment online, visit with sponsor code CLGCC.

Blood is a perishable product that can only come from volunteer blood donors. With someone in the United States needing blood every two seconds, blood products must be constantly replenished, according to the Red Cross.

“We urge community members to donate blood to help ensure that patients in local hospitals have a supply of blood ready and waiting before an emergency occurs,” Travis said. “There’s no better feeling than knowing that your blood donation may give someone a second chance at life.”

According to the Red Cross, donors with all blood types are needed, especially those with types O negative, A negative and B negative.

On the day of the drive, visits can be streamlined by donors with appointments visiting to complete a pre-donation reading and health history questionnaire.

Lakefront Christmas light tour on Yacht Club YouTube channel

The Canyon Lake Yacht Club’s lakefront Christmas decorations tour was filmed and is still available for viewing on the club’s YouTube channel, “The Canyon Lake Yacht Club.”

The tour includes visiting the lakefront displays of winners of the club’s decorating contest.

Two days before the Dec. 19 event, the club made the decision to cancel the live tour and to instead release a YouTube video of the homes they were going to visit.


