New Patrol Services contract approved

The Canyon Lake Property Owners Association Meeting last week turned into a lively affair with Zoom capacity reached and others trying to join. Of the items discussed was the board approving an agreement with a new Community Patrol Services company, parking rule changes, the budget model and the golf course maintenance contract.

The Board approved entering into a three-year agreement for Community Patrol Services at a total three-year projected cost not to exceed $8,270,000. The board said 12 bids were received, three companies were interviewed and one company with excellent referrals, strong management, comprehensive training and extensive HOA experience was selected for contract negotiation.

The name of the new company will be identified once the contracts have been signed.

The approved amount represents a 12% increase over what was budgeted for patrol services this fiscal year.

Parking rule revisions

Discussion took place on two rule revisions that were approved for their 28-Day Reading last month related to parking trailers and RVs on the street. No action was taken because 28 days had not elapsed since the last meeting.

Testimony was received about the proposed changes that requested reconsideration of the terms used, changes related to boat trailer parking and the permissible time allowances. All suggestions will be considered, the board said, and revised changes to the rules are expected to be presented for a new 28 Day Reading at the January meeting.

Testimony was received related to the need to develop possible changes to the family of rules to ease parking congestion in parts of the community. The concerns were raised by many members through email and public testimony and summarized in a published Board Discussion Item.

The focus of most of the extensive testimony received at the Board Meeting was related to parking of RVs and trailers in driveways and garages. Many good points were made, the board said, and at the conclusion of the discussion the Board agreed not to pursue any changes to the existing GR.5.3 rules.

Budget Model

A budget model was approved with amendments that provides Board-level guidance to the Staff and Finance Committee related to the development of the 2021-22 budget.

The document recognizes the changes that are needed to the operating budget related to headwinds and suggests possible value-based activities related to the Board’s adopted goals. It also calls for defined Reserve Budgets covering Repair and Replacement, Roads, Minor Capital Improvements and major Capital improvements.

Golf Course Landscape Maintenance Contract

The Board approved entering into a six-year contract with Brightview that includes the refurbishment of the drought-tolerant areas along the course. Brightview is the current maintenance contractor. Brightview’s bid was the lowest of the three received and only represented a slight increase over the current contract.

The Board said it is very pleased with the course’s condition, thanks to Brightview’s excellent work over the past years.


