County Supervisor outlines voting process

By Kevin Jeffries
Riverside County Supervisor, First District

Voting this year has been made a lot easier, but will it be better? Will it take longer to get results? Below I have listed some of the changes that you should expect this election season.

Unfortunately, the state changes will not stop you from likely receiving campaign robo-calls the minute you sit down for dinner (only voting early can help get you off the call list of some big campaigns).

The Nov. 3 General Election model will be different this year and will offer more ways to vote. I have heard from many who have concerns or questions. Here is information on the election model.

All registered voters will receive a ballot by mail beginning Oct. 5, whether they have requested it or not, as ordered by state law.

Voters can verify their voter registration at or register to vote at

Your Vote-By-Mail ballot may be returned at any of the 80 secure “Ballot Drop-Off” locations that are now available or via the postal service (no postage required).

We will also be operating nearly 130 “Voter Assistance Centers” throughout Riverside County. You can vote in-person at any location from Oct. 31 through Nov. 3.

A list of the Ballot Drop-Off locations and Voter Assistance Centers and other Riverside County election information will be posted at (Canyon Lake’s drop-off location is City Hall, 31516 Railroad Canyon Road in the Canyon Lake Town Center and is open during regular business hours).

You may track your ballot for when it has been received and when it has been counted by registering at

Contact the Riverside County Registrar of Voters at (951) 486-7200 with any questions or concerns.

An important recommendation that I would like to make is that if your preference is to vote in person, please try to bring your (Vote-by-Mail) ballot to surrender to the poll workers and they will give you a new ballot. If you do not bring your Vote-by-Mail ballot with you, you may still vote, however, you may be given the option of a Provisional Ballot which will take longer (weeks) to be counted. The Registrar’s office will need time to verify that the Vote-by-Mail ballot originally sent to you was not submitted.


