Letter: A fond farewell

Editor, The Friday Flyer:

I am finally leaving Canyon Lake!

Before I do though, I want to thank all those who have been my friends and acquaintances. It has been my pleasure to live in such a caring community where people care about one another and are always ready to serve.

I have enjoyed being affiliated with the many organizations and was happy to serve where needed.

As we get older we all say “oh these young people don’t care, etc.” I feel that our young people are rejuvenating our community as evidenced by a parade for seniors who couldn’t have a graduation, a parade when Fiesta Day was cancelled, the annual 4th of July fireworks, the lights for 9/11 and so many activities drawing people together! I think our younger people are truly engaged with their families and will serve this community well.

I will miss the many activities offered by our community, but feel it is in “good hands.” Until we meet again…

LaRue McNamara


