Letters: Reflecting on involvement

Editor, The Friday Flyer:

So many emotions these past few weeks with everything that is happening in our country and our community. I am writing because I could not stop thinking this weekend about Linda Weg’s story to the editor, coupled with the words of Nancy Horton.

What stood out to me in Linda’s story was that there were Canyon Lakers unwilling to stop and help her. Linda, I am sorry that happened to you. Blessings to those who did help. Canyon Lakers, we are not living in any kind of paradise when an injured community member is ignored, for even a minute. It saddens me that this happened in our community.

Nancy Horton mentioned in her love letter to the community so many amazing points, but specifically that there are those who only complain on social media. I agree with Nancy and that our community is changing, but is it improving or in decline?

I believe it is our level of civic involvement, our concern for one another and our responsibility to respect (or work to change) the rules of the community, so we can all enjoy the community, peacefully and safely. Let us ask ourselves, how are we helping with our attitudes and the words we post on social media? Are we hating, following and ignoring? How are we going to preserve our tiny bit of paradise?

These were simply my thoughts and questions, as a concerned homeowner who wants the best for Canyon Lake. I appreciate this space for dialogue. Thank you, Friday Flyer!

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform (or pause and reflect).” ― Mark Twain

  1. S. Congratulations to all who achieved academic success in 2020. Grads and promoters…good job everyone!

V Segura


