POA, city shut down venues, events

In a rapid series of events and decisions, both the Canyon Lake Property Owners Association and the City of Canyon Lake have systematically shut down the city’s public venues, restaurants (except take out) and bars as well as canceled most meetings and events as a result of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.

Following the lead of the federal, state and county governments, events where a gathering of 10 or more individuals would occur have been canceled or postponed. Additionally, Canyon Lake POA restaurants, bars and venues have been shuttered until further notice. Restaurants in the city have closed to sit-down customers and some have closed altogether as they await the passing of the danger of the virus. All bars had been mandated closed by executive order of the state governor.

Schools sent home their students on Monday until April 30 and it is looking more and more likely that the closure will extend until after the end of the school year.

The Canyon Lake Community Church and other local churches have also suspended their Sunday worship services as well as most other activities where members would gather.

Meanwhile, most local businesses have remained open and are practicing enhanced sanitizing practices and social distancing. Many Canyon Lake businesses are open and are working remotely as they continue to provide services to their customers.

According to the City of Canyon Lake, there is still not a confirmed COVID-19 case in the city, but it is expected that individuals will be infected as the flu spreads throughout the area. Local, state and national leaders continue to preach safety, which if correct practices are followed will ease the pandemic’s spread.

The Canyon Lake POA Board of Directors called a special meeting on Monday to make decisions on its facilities, meetings, etc. It came away from that meeting stating that it will follow state, federal, county, and city mandates regarding this extremely fluid situation.

“We are constantly evaluating specific events and suggestions from these agencies on a case by case basis, and on an hourly basis,” it said in a prepared statement after its meeting. “Any pending function or event not specifically mentioned (in the statement) will likely be updated in the coming days. We will be continually updating our website, and we will continue to update our members as necessary.

“Our highest priority is the safety of our members and our team, and we will continue to adapt to this changing situation. Please practice social distancing, and we will all get through this together.”

As of The Friday Flyer’s print deadlines, the following Canyon Lake POA and City of Canyon Lake offices and venues status were:

Canyon Lake POA

The Lighthouse Restaurant and Country Club Restaurant closed on Monday and will not reopen until at least March 31. The restaurants will not be offering take out.

“We care deeply about our team members, and we will be contacting all restaurant employees with details about the closures,” the board said. “Surplus food will be donated to local charities.”

All public events scheduled from March 17 until March 31 at those facilities are cancelled or postponed.

For now, the Canyon Lake POA offices will remain open, however the association is expanding the services available to its members via phone, email and mail and is prepared to work virtually as necessary.

All indoor meeting rooms including the Senior Center, Magnolia Room and Eastport Activities Room are closed until further notice. All Committees have been notified to postpone or meet virtually.

All Canyon Lake POA board meetings will be conducted virtually until further notice.

All outside common areas and amenities will remain open for now, including the lake, tennis courts, Gault Field, the Equestrian Center, Happy Camp, parks, basketball courts, pickleball courts, golf course, etc. The pool is currently closed for construction and rain is delaying its completion. The reopening of the pool will be evaluated upon the completion of the project.

The following events have been canceled: Community Theater “Nunsense” Play on March 14 & 15, Horse Camp at Equestrian Center, Triathlon & Fitness Club’s Bike Time Trial on March 22, Women’s Golf Club 3-Day Championship on March 17, 19 & 24 and the Women’s Golf Club SB&R Tournament on March 26.

These events have been postponed: Choraleers Concert on May 2 & 3 postponed to a to be determined date, Crosby Stills Nash & Young Concert on March 28 postponed to a TBD date, Jr. Women’s Club Golf Tournament on May 2 postponed to a TBD date, Jr. Women’s Club Wine Mixer on April 4 postponed to a TBD date, L.A. Guns Concert on April 25 postponed to Sept. 18 and Head Sports Demo Day at Tennis Courts on March 28 postponed to a TBD date.

All activities at the Senior Center, Lodge and Country Club have been postponed until further notice. Also postponed are the Lioness Club’s Bingos, Little League, Sewing Group, Yoga AM classes and Yoga by the Lake.

To view late-breaking Canyon Lake POA COVID-19 developments visit its website and click on COVID-19 Update.

City of Canyon Lake

The City of Canyon Lake is working closely with, and obtaining guidance from, the California Department of Public Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Riverside County Department of Public Health. The city said it understands the growing concerns surrounding the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and wants to assure its citizens that the protection and safety of residents is a top priority.

“Your city government remains fully operational and is here should you need assistance connecting with public health resources,” the city said in a statement released this week. “We encourage residents not to panic, but to take reasonable precautions.”

In accordance with state and county orders, it said it is instituting measures to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and protect residents who are most at risk.

By order of the Health Officer of the County of Riverside, all gatherings in the city of 10 or more individuals are prohibited until further notice. There are very few exceptions, including various public entities, business operations, limited childcare facilities, public transportation and shopping at stores and malls.

For all gatherings of less than 10 individuals, a minimum social distance of six feet between attendees must be maintained.

Most restaurants in the city are closed until further notice. However, restaurants are not necessarily mandated to close if they can operate while staying in conformance with the County Health Officer’s order.

The Sheriff’s Department has the authority to enforce the County Health Officer’s order. Failure to comply is a crime punishable by fine, imprisonment or both.

The Canyon Lake Library is closed and has cancelled all group functions until April 30. Library materials currently checked out will not be due during this time, nor will any late fees accrue.

All group functions scheduled to take place in the Council Chambers (other than City Council meetings) have been cancelled until further notice.

The annual Community Clean-Up event, scheduled for April 4 has been postponed and will be rescheduled.

City Hall remains open and police and fire operations will continue.

In addition, the city said it is assessing meetings on a case-by-case basis, applying and promoting social distancing of at least six feet, exploring options for remote public meetings, amplifying public outreach on best practices for limiting germ spread and encouraging residents to sign-up for CodeRED, the City’s emergency notification system.


