Letters: Open Meetings

Editor, The Friday Flyer:

This writing is to let us all know what our ‘Rules and Regulations’ are. At this time we are unable to get together due to the Corona virus to appeal this ‘Approval & Adoption’ change. I will call Monday 03/16/20 for an appointed meeting with the Board of Directors, Canyon Lake POA staff or committees for an open meeting to get feedback from all of you on the pros and cons on the Rule & Regulations changes.

Thank You. God Bless.

Proposed Rule Revisions — Per the Davis-Stirling Act, which applies to all common interest developments in California, before adopting or amending an Operating Rule or changing the Fine Schedule, the Board must provide notice of a proposed rule change at least 30 days before making the rule change.The text of the proposed changes must be made available to the membership at least 28 days prior to their adoption by the Canyon Lake POA’s Board of Directors (Civic Code §4360(a).).

Approval & Adoption — For a 28 Day Reading to be approved and adopted into the Rules & Regulations, the changes must be presented to the Board after the 28 days has expired. The majority of the Board must agree and approve the rule before it can be adopted into the Rules & Regulations. Once a 28 Day Reading has been posted, members are encouraged to learn more about how the proposed change could impact them. They can do this by reaching out to any of the five Board of Directors, Canyon Lake POA staff or committees.

Rosalie Perrotte


