Letter: Thank You

Editor, The Friday Flyer

On behalf of the Canyon Lake Fine Arts Guild, thank you to all of Canyon Lake for your continued support for the Guild’s program. The Eagles tribute concert last Saturday was another complete success. It was sold-out almost a month prior and the audience was wildly enthusiastic, yet well-mannered.

We thank the POA Activities and Operations departments for all they do to help make us successful. This was a terrific way to kick off the new year. There are many moving parts to providing such an event for 350 concert attendees and a Pre-Concert Reception (food and drinks) for 180 Guild members prior to each lodge event.

We are excited about our upcoming year and ask everyone to stay tuned for additional announcements in our club’s mission to provide and promote quality music in our community. Many kudos to the Guild Board of Directors: Bonnie Dubbs, Larry Garland, Corrie Tutt, Shari Skidmore, Rhonda Pilto and Jim Lafferty. Thank you!

Ron Martel, Guild President


