Letter: RFID Access

Editor, The Friday Flyer

The current board is trying for a third time to give away RFID and decals to non-residents. Could you imagine, 14,400 non-residents using an RFID system that can’t handle the current population of Canyon Lake? What a disaster in the making, and it’s wrong.

None of us bought in here to allow non-residents the benefits and access of dues-paying members. It completely opens the gate for a massive influx of criminal elements. The crime rate will skyrocket to levels never seen before in the history of Canyon Lake.

This is totally unfavorable with 99 percent of all dues-paying residents, according to an unofficial poll. We need the community to email the board, board@canyonlakepoa.com, and let them know that this is not okay.

We also need help and support at the next POA Board meeting on Jan. 7 at 7 p.m. at the lodge. We are not asking people to speak at the meeting but they are encouraged to.

This will be the third time they are bringing this up for a vote and we need to show once and for all that this is not what the members want.

If we let this go, what is next? Guests and non-residents getting a pass for their boats?

This is the total fleecing of our private gated community. Please help keep the integrity of our private gated community.

Chuck Moreno


