Work on track for new country club monument

Work is on track for the new country club monument sign/water feature to be completed early next month. The shotcrete and concrete coping were completed last week. Stone veneer will start after the holidays.

The POA Board of Directors approved $65,000 from the Repair and Replacement Reserve funds for the new monument. The old, out-dated water feature was recently removed from the circular driveway when the parking lot was repaved. The new monument will feature the same rock and lettering as the main gate monument and the country club sign.

The expected cost is not to exceed $65,000 for construction, permits, signage, water feature, rock, a mast-style flagpole, lighting and landscaping of multiple planter areas. This is a conservative estimate and any additional funds not used on the monument will be used to repair and renovate the other planters and landscape areas that were affected during the reconstruction of the parking lot.


