Quorum not met for all Special Election measures

The POA’s Special Election ballot measures include removing proxy voting (Articles of Incorporation), removing cumulative voting (Bylaws), extending future board of director terms to four years to eliminate the need for director elections every year (Bylaws), modifying five-foot fence height restriction (CC&R) and empowering ACC to select and designate appropriate roofing materials to modify roof material (CC&R).

Quorum was met for the Bylaw and Articles of Incorporation measures but not met for  CC&R measures.

The Bylaw and Articles of Incorporation measures needed a majority of the vote, the CC&R measures needed 2/3 of the total members within each tract to vote yes in favor in order to pass. This threshold was not met in any tract.

The results of the three measures that quorum was met for are as follows:

Proxy Voting

Yes: 907

No: 320

Cumulative Voting

Yes: 843

No: 383

Board Terms

Yes: 591

No: 626

The number of members in good standing with the POA and entitled to vote at the time was 4,578. The number of members who voted was 1,278. An adjourned quorum of at least 25 percent of the voting power was obtained.


